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KNI Presents: EBL BEAMeeting

Tuesday, March 5, 2024
8:30am to 4:00pm
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Steele 125
  • Public Event

The Kavli Nanoscience Institute is co-hosting a one day EBL BEAMeeting workshop with GenISys. BEAMeetings are a technical exchange platform for the e-beam community focused on e-beam lithography (EBL), data-preparation, PEC, process correction, and e-beam Monte Carlo simulation. As always, we like to setup the agenda with your input. We encourage user presentations and welcome any discussion on applications, specific issue solutions, and feature needs or requirements.


8:30 am - Coffee

9:00 am - GenIsys Introduction and Updates (Nezih Unal)

9:20 am - GenIsys Introductory BEAMER Training: GUI Basics, Layout, Field Control, Fracturing, Simulation (Marvin Zai)

12:00 pm - Lunch for registered guests

1:00 pm - GenIsys BEAMER & TRACER: What's New (Roger McCay)

1:20 pm - GenIsys Proximity Effect Correction (PEC) (Nezih Unal)

2:20 pm - Coffee

2:30 pm - Introduction to InSPEC & SEM Metrology with ProSEM (Nezih Unal)

3:00 pm - GenIsys Q&A: Application Cases (Roger McCay)

This event is free of charge and is open to anyone working in industry or academia.

Location: 125 Steele Laboratory, building #81 on the campus map

Parking: Park in the structure at 370 South Holliston Ave, Pasadena, CA 91106. All-day parking passes can be purchased for $9 at the kiosk on Level 3. Guests may park in any unmarked spot.

Contact: Guy DeRose or Tiffany Kimoto

Register here:

The Kavli Nanoscience Institute at Caltech:

For more information, please contact Tiffany Kimoto by phone at 626-395-3914 or by email at